

◇人工芝 ロール◇【5/12より順次出荷】リアル人工芝★FIFA認定工場生産★(3.5cm 10m巻 U-Q315)人工芝 ロールタイプ リアル DIY エクステリア 資材 防炎 高密度 高級芝 ガーデニング 除草アイテム マット 庭 ベランダ 屋上 バルコニー ドッグラン
価格:26784 円(税込)
→25cm×25cmカットサンプルのご請求はこちら(ネコポス便:送料370円)← CCGrass – World Class Football Turf Manufacturer CCGrass is a world-class artificial grass manufacturer. Devoting itself to artificial grass industry for more than 10 years, CCGrass owns the biggest artificial grass factory in the world and its sales volume ranks No. 1 in global market, covering more than 72 countries. FIFA Preferred Producer The FIFA Preferred Producer (FPP) initiative was introduced in 2009 in response to demand for higher quality not only in the product itself but also in the installation process of football turf. The overall objective is to protect the interests of consumers when purchasing pitches and to ensure that football turf pitches meet high requirements with regard to quality, performance and safety. >>詳細を見る